बेपर्वाही (Beparvahi) हमने कान बंद कर लिए हैं अब न चीखें सुनाई देती हैं न धमाके हमने आँखें बंद कर ली हैं अब न ज़ुल्म दिखते हैं न नाइन्साफ़ी हमने हाथ बाँध लिए हैं अब न कोई मदद करता है न हिफाज़त इतना सब कुछ बंद कर लिया है की अब हर दिल भी धड़कना बंद कर ही...
There is Madness in Everything “There is Madness in Everything” – by Sailee Brahme. The poem depicts how madness is a part and parcel of everyone’s life but we often fail to embrace it. There is always a bit of madness, In Dreams. They turn you...
Money can’t buy Money can’t buy is a poem by Sailee Brahme. The poem gives an insight into how we have failed to realize that there are indeed things that Money Can’t Buy! Nostalgia and memories Dreams and reveries Hope that never dies Joy...
Utopia is a poem by Sailee Brahme Utopia – by Sailee Brahme. The Poem is about women’s safety and the feelings of a woman traveling alone without having to worry in an ideal world. I was traveling in a crowded bus at 7 pm, But nobody even accidentally...
In Love with the World I learnt French and fell in love with the Eiffel tower I learnt to make Pasta and fell in love with Rome I learnt belly-dance and fell in love with Arabic I learnt Spanish architecture and fell in love with Art I learnt history and fell in love...