Tale of a Terpsichorean: Featuring Apurva Bendre

Kathak is a journey of a thousand miles that begins with one simple step: ‘Dha!’ — Unknown The classical genre of dance lives in the very roots of this art and has been the foundation. India has been the core of the classical genre, and despite the influence from western culture, the classical genres such […]
Apurva Bendre kathak dancer

Nov 25, 2021

Kathak is a journey of a thousand miles that begins with one simple step: ‘Dha!’
— Unknown

The classical genre of dance lives in the very roots of this art and has been the foundation. India has been the core of the classical genre, and despite the influence from western culture, the classical genres such as Kathak, Bharatnatyam are still blooming! The story we have for you today is about one such woman, Apurva Bendre, who holds Kathak to her heart and lives up to dance on every beat that life offers her!

Dance is an ocean of infinite possibilities, with end numbers for genres contributing to filling it with serenity and bliss. May it be the B-boying, street dance, disco, salsa, contemporary or classic. Every form of dance is a sacred practice that prospered with discipline, practice, and sheer passion. Dance is a language of the soul!

It’s a pleasure to introduce today’s guest to our readers, Apurva Bendre!

Apurva Bendre

Apurva Bendre

Apurva Bendre, 27 originated from Thane, Maharashtra, India, presently living in the United States, Indianapolis. She is pursuing a Ph.D. in Health Economics from Indiana University. Apurva is an astounding Kathak dancer, currently pursuing her ‘Alankaar’ i.e., post-graduation in Kathak. We can define Apurva as a spectrum of finesse!

She is a dancer; the choreographer has performed on various television platforms and has also been a judge, a mime artist. She owns two YouTube channels: ‘Apurva Bendre’ featuring the art of Kathak and ‘WeDesified’ where she creates content to guide people who aspire to study abroad. Apart from that, she is the president of the Indian Student Organization at Indiana University. She is also an ‘IndianRaga fellow! IndianRaga is the greatest Indian art platform at a global level.

She has collaborated with IndianRaga and been in their videos, and she is also doing her Ph.D. on a full-fledged scholarship! Extraordinary! Isn’t it?

The onset of the Journey!

How and when did Apurva Bendre enter this world of Kathak?

Apurva Bendre – Dancing has been in my life even before I learned how to stand, according to my mom I used to just groove along with the music even while sitting or just holding on to something and thus my mother acknowledged my interest back then thought of assigning me into a dance class. My journey to Kathak began when I was 5 and now it has been 23 years since I have been learning and performing on stage.

Along with dance, I am indulged in many activities. I had that knack for music as well, so I had also joined Hindustani classical singing classes, swimming classes, learning harmonium, etc. Despite all these activities, dance has always been the closest to me. I can’t recall a time when I left the dance or dance left me.

I used to dance during my boards, or on any occasion, no matter how important it was, dance has always been the constant! Further, I used to perform in various competitions, for televisions, etc. back in India. After I completed my master’s, I moved to the US for my Ph.D. Back in India; it was a very familiar environment, people knew who I was, but in the US I had to start from scratch.

So after I moved, I started collaborating with various artists from Columbus, and then it went on. I had a target set. Every semester, I would perform for at least 4 stage shows.

Dancing runs through my veins so it never stops! The Ph.D. program I’m pursuing is tough, so my friends have advised me I should discontinue dancing until it gets over, but I just can’t let it happen. The absence of dance hampers my productivity! It’s like a meditation to me that helps me calm myself.

Apurva Bendre performing Kathak

Apurva Bendre performing Kathak

Entering YouTube!

The idea behind the YouTube channels.

Apurva Bendre – After the pandemic hit us, there were no stage shows and so it got pretty restrained. A basic thing for a dancer is to showcase their work, their talent, and it was the same for me. With this very intention, I started YouTube. So I started shooting dance videos along with my friend who did the camera work. Besides that, I do all the pre and post-production work.

WeDesified: I, along with my friend Krishna Akki, created this channel. The uncertainty of the pandemic crushed many students’ dreams of pursuing higher education abroad. As we both came here from India, we know what exactly it feels like and what all the process is, etc. So, sharing our experience and helping those students and help them with proper knowledge and insight, we created this channel.

From the lens of a choreographer!

What qualities does a dancer need to have apart from dancing skills and practice?

Apurva Bendre – The foremost thing one needs to possess is ‘Patience.’ Learning any art form, may it be music or dance or anything, you need to have patience while learning it. For instance, if you are learning Kathak, it’s not something you could learn within a month or two or a year, or by attending a few workshops! It’s as vast as an ocean, and you can’t pick the ocean in a bucket.

You need to explore it bit by bit, with patience! It takes years to excel in a dance form, and yet you can’t say that you are a professional and know everything about it. Because learning is eternal! And after you have this practice for a few years, that is when you will start understanding its true nature! And then the actual journey starts! Till then, trust the process!

The second thing one needs to learn is time management and determination. I have seen many people who are all high in their spirits initially, join a dance class, and later when something comes up such as academics, board exams, or some other things, they just quit dance and they just reason the other stuff as a barrier they cannot pass through.

But what I believe is if you are passionate enough about something and determined, you will deal with it. As the saying goes, ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way!’ You have that drive and passion. Managing time is all you need to learn. Other than that, trusting your gurus, exploring, and observing are important aspects.

Apurva Bendre kathak dance pose

Apurva Bendre kathak dance pose

Obstacle course!

What are the hurdles Apurva came across during her journey?

Apurva Bendre – The foremost hurdle was the conservative mindset of some people. Back then, people have always been like to me and my mother as ‘Your daughter is so much into dance, ask her to focus on her academics and all. Fun fact, I was always good with my academics right from my school days and scored amazing results, but they didn’t know.

Also, since I wanted to pursue economics full-time, arts was the only option, but people look down on those who are picking up arts with no idea why! So they would combine dance and the arts stream and people would assume that I have scored low. So, I am in arts and that is due to dance.

But after receiving a scholarship for a Ph.D. people got amazed, and some even thought that it was for Kathak. They have passed a lot of judgments, during my dance journey, over my academics, Even when I was a lecturer in Poddar college. So that judgment is something that makes things harder. One needs to understand that passing a judgment is easy, but the impact of your judgment is not. Everyone has their interests and passions and they are free to pursue that. So, as a society, we need to understand that and prohibit ourselves from judging others.

Apart from that, managing time had always been a tough one amidst all the activities I had committed myself to. But my mother has been my biggest support and motivation throughout. She has worked as hard as me for my career in Kathak, right from managing all my stuff and routine, traveling with me for my shows, etc. I still reminisce about those 5-6 tiffins she used to pack for me. Also, my father never questioned my choices and understood me every time.

Being on Indian Television!

How was Apurva’s experience on Indian Television?

Well, it was a great experience, as once you appear on TV the perspectives of the people change! They acknowledge you, treat you with more respect, etc. The funny thing that I found about it was that appearing on television has its value. It just changes the surrounding air! So yeah, that was a great experience.

Different Nations, Different Outlooks!

3 differences that Apurva experienced between India and the US during her journey of dance.

Apurva Bendre – There are many, I can go on and on. But the most significant difference I would say is the non-judgemental attitude people possess there, in the US. People are so open to the appreciation of art and are non-judgmental, they openly express how they feel about the art, and they view art as ART!

They love watching classical dance and are even interested in learning it. Whereas in India, the judgments and opinions that people pass serve as a demotivating factor. Kathak, despite being an Indian Art, is loved more in the foreign states and perfectly portrays the saying, ‘Ghar ki Murgi, Daal Barabar.’

Apurva Bendre kathak

Apurva Bendre kathak

The other difference I feel is the Recognition and Respect they offer the artists! No offense, but the organizers and the production expect the artists to perform for free, in return for the so-called publicity. Whereas, here in the US, the artists get the recognition and the respect they deserve. Even if it’s a 1-minute performance, they will appreciate you, acknowledge you and respect you and respect your art. It’s much more impartial over here and they give you equal chances no matter what, so I like it a lot here.

The third thing is the theatre and infrastructure. Of course, there is a vast difference between developed countries and developing countries. But what I find here is that every theatre and stage here has a thought behind it. Even the smallest of the theatres are well equipped, and the flooring is good, the green rooms are well set, and the overall infrastructure is quite great! Thus, the live performances here are just next level. Also, the punctuality, people here are dead punctual and everything starts on time!

If I were to recall my experience in India, I remember we used to wait for hours. Also, people are keen to know and are curious enough to question things. My view is that it is very essential to understand the process and the concept behind each step. May it be dance or life, and to understand that, one has to be curious and that urge to know more.

For Kathak, if the song has Hindi lyrics, so after my performances, people approach and inquire about the lyrics, they feel that urge to know about it more, some suggested that I should introduce the concept before my performance so the non-Indians would understand it. So now it’s like a mission for me to educate non-Indians about the classical dance form.
Source of inspiration!

Apurva’s videos have been an inspiration too many, but what is it that keeps Apurva going?
Firstly, I’m glad to know that my videos are of some help to my audience. The channel was just so I could showcase my art, but was never for publicity or recognition, but it’s superb to know that my videos helped people. My source of inspiration, it’s just my passion for dance, to seek my path in what I believe and my form of expression! That’s what keeps me going.

Significance of Dance!

What meaning do dances hold in Apurva’s life?

Apurva Bendre – Well, it’s Everything and Beyond! If it was not for dance, I wouldn’t have been able to even achieve what I have achieved in academics! During the second year of my bachelor’s, I paused dancing for a while and tried focusing on academics, but I wasn’t able to at all.

Whereas, when I resumed my dance and took part in youth festivals, etc during my third year, I stood first in those youth festivals, and also, I secured the second rank in my bachelor’s. So dance is not just an art to me, it puts me in that ‘flow state’ and helps me attain my prime. I don’t think I’ll be able to survive even a day without dancing!

Apurva Bendre

Apurva Bendre

The showcase of achievements!

Let’s have an insight into Apurva’s awards and achievements:

Apurva Bendre – Back at home, my parents have this whole showcase filled with awards, certificates, photos of all the competitions. They cherish all those and keep them organized and safe. Of all these awards, the most memorable one for me is the IndianRaga Fellowship! That’s the biggest achievement of mine. Other than that, some of my major awards are:-

  • State Level All India Classical Music & Dance Competition and the Women’s Artists Guild Trophy
  • Second World Summit on Advances in Science, Engineering, and Technology organized by VIT at IUPUI
  • Won at National level Youth Festival for Indian classical dance, Folk Dance & Mime.
  • Also, I feel that Nrityotsav is one of my achievements as well. It was a dance event that I had organized here in Indianapolis when I realized that few classical events are being held, and for that, we received funding of $2000 from the university.
  • I also had my show called ‘Apurvai’ back in India, so have received a few awards for that as well.

Sneak peek into Apurva’s life!

What other hobbies does Apurva have?

Apurva Bendre – Apart from dancing, singing, mime, swimming, etc. I enjoy shooting. My friends and I often visit shooting ranges and also play golf, so yeah, it’s fun! Other than that, I love skiing as well, though I’m still a beginner. I’m also into photography and videography. I’m just fond of camera work. Editing videos, I edit my dance and WeDesified videos myself. And last, chilling out! I like to socialize a lot.

Experience speaks!

Being in dance for over two decades. What difference has it made in her life?

Dance has been my everything! It has been my teacher and my companion. Being with me throughout the highs and lows I came across taught me many things, like time management, patience, observing, exploring, developed that confidence within me, helped me develop insight, and a lot more! It taught me never to give up, and I can always find a way no matter how uncertain the times are.

I take to my flow state, and that makes everything possible for me, even sailing through the hefty schedule I have and also to stay sane through life! It’s just beyond words for me! Without dancing, Apurva wouldn’t have been Apurva at all!

Apurva Bendre

Apurva Bendre

Looking forward to the future!

What are the plans? What awaits Apurva in the future?

Apurva Bendre – First, I’ll be completing my Ph.D. soon, so it will soon be Dr. Apurva Ajit Akshada Bendre. So I’m looking forward to that. After that, I don’t exactly know what I’ll be doing, whether to pick up a job, but Health Economics and Dance will always be on the plate. Apart from that, YouTube will go on as well. More dance videos will come up and I’ll love to expand the channel and also various collaborations will be on the way, with original artists and so on.

Also, the goal will still prevail, i.e., to spread Kathak, our Indian Classical dance form here in the foreign land. I want people, especially non-Indians, to know about Indian art and culture. I feel proud as I represent India, my country here in the US. I’m the happiest person because our nation is so diverse and rich in culture.

Often, after my performance, people come to me and ask me about my attire and the importance of ‘Ghungroos’ I wear during the dance. So I love to educate them about these small things, about the fashion and the costumes we have in Indian culture. My mission is to take Kathak, an Indian classical dance form to the mainstream, sharing the seat with other mainstream dances like Hip Hop, contemporary, ballet, etc. I’m not entering the rat race, I just want to dance to express myself and just for the sheer passion I have for Kathak!

And I would also continue educating students about pursuing higher education abroad via ‘WeDesified’.

Words of Wisdom:

So first, Nothing is Impossible, if you are passionate enough! If you have that passion for something, it automatically develops the determination to get the work done, and then time is no excuse. No matter what the hurdle is, you find your way through it.

The second thing I would like to say is that being non-judgmental is something we, as a society, must learn! Because single unsolicited advice you give can affect or hamper the mental health of a person! If society could be judgment-free, it would be close to peace. In current times, we have witnessed how important mental health is, ‘Your words can make or break a person!’

Also, comparison is something that plays an important role, but I don’t believe in comparing yourself with others. I mean, you cannot compare apples with oranges. Instead, compete with yourself. Understand yourself, know what you want. When you do that, when you work on yourself, you achieve the success and happiness you desire!

When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s enjoying each step along the way!

Apurva Bendre dancing kathak

Apurva Bendre dancing kathak

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