Worst Side of Life – Story of a Homeless Man Kailash

“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” A homeless man is a part of our society. We don’t even consider them as a part of society. For us, they are human beings living for food only. They are very different from us. […]
Worst Side of Life - Story of a Homeless Man Kailash

Jan 20, 2021

“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.” A homeless man is a part of our society. We don’t even consider them as a part of society. For us, they are human beings living for food only. They are very different from us. Maybe they are not but that’s how we think about homeless people. 

One such story is this “Worst Side of Life” HatkeStory has brought to you. Our motive behind publishing this story is that ‘We want you to be grateful for the things you have in life. Because there are people out there, on roads who have nothing in their hands. They just pass their days and expect nothing but food and necessities. Whereas, you are living with so much. We urge you to help them, as much as you can. Your little efforts will bring a huge change in their life. We request you to feed whosoever you can.”

Our writer Aashna Chawla will be telling you the story from her point of view. As the homeless man lives in her neighborhood. So yeah, let’s hear Kailash’s story. 

I don’t know everything about him. He is not in a condition to explain anything. But I loved his story as it’s very motivating in my opinion. My motive behind sharing this homeless man’s story is to encourage all of you to help the homeless man. I’d love and appreciate it if after reading this, any one of you would help them in any way. So let’s begin.

Story of a Homeless Man Kailash

This homeless man’s name is Kailash and I don’t know his surname but he is Brahmin by caste. Years ago, when I was in school he used to work there as a serving-man of the principal. She was a very cruel lady and she’d make him work the whole day even after office hours. In return, she would only give him 10 rupees and food to eat. 

He lived with his parents and two siblings (brother and sister). All of them used to live in a rented room that was behind my house. His father was a fruit vendor and he hardly used to earn and feed his family. But that time Kailash’s condition was better than now. 

His father died and then he and his siblings got married and I don’t know much about it. I was a kid when it happened. He shifted to another rented room with his wife and mother as his brother had moved to another city with his family. Life took a toll on him when his wife fell sick and died. A few years later, even his mother passed away, leaving him all alone in this world. 

Homeless man Kailash

Homeless man Kailash

He stopped working at my school and it was already very hard for him to cope up with day-to-day life. After quitting his job it became harder. He couldn’t deposit the rent so the landlord kicked him out. He didn’t have many belongings and I have no idea what happened to them. 

Then Kailash started living outside my neighbor’s house. He has been staying like this for years. He spends his entire day on that stone bench. In our language, we call it a ‘Chabutara’. 

This homeless man does our neighbor’s household work. Not everything, but cleaning the outside area of the house or terrace. In return, they give him food. Sometimes my mother gives it too. It went on for years with no change in his life. He doesn’t beg for food or money. He just sits in the place and things come to him.

With time, we could see changes in his mental state. We felt that he was losing his mind. Now, he is partially disturbed. Even if you tell him something sane he wouldn’t understand. 

One incident that I can remember, there is a Lord Shiva temple near my house, and once he had covered the Shiv ling in cow dung. Caretakers of the temple had beaten him so badly but he didn’t cry or say anything. He just ran away. So I think it does prove the fact. 

His routine is still the same as before and there are no changes in his life. You would be surprised to know his sister comes to visit my neighbor’s house and lends 50 or 100 rupees to eat something. He bought cigarettes or tobacco from it. 

Once his brother came with his three children (two daughters and a son). They bought popcorn for him, gave him 50 rupees, and clicked selfies. Imagine, how funny the situation is, I mean they are his family, living in better conditions and still not doing a thing for him. They can take him to a doctor or with themselves, arrange a house for him. 

When I look at the homeless man, I just think how cruel life could be. He had everything in the past and he still has a family. His siblings are enjoying their life. Here, he is not living but surviving outside my neighbor’s house.  

I don’t think any change will ever take place now. This homeless man may stay there his whole life. But isn’t it ironic? What did he do to deserve this? He was a very naive man in the past. Dumb I mean by naive. 

But that doesn’t make him any less human. It doesn’t mean people can be cruel to him. Just because one person is not strong enough to fight back doesn’t mean they can exploit. Why being so inhuman? 

My motive behind telling you the story about the homeless man is ‘I just want you to be thankful for your life. Show some gratitude for whatever you have gotten. It’s more than enough because there are many people out there, who have so much pain in their lives. They are still living in whatever circumstances they have been thrown into. So do thank god for giving the best life you have.’

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About the Author

Writer at HatkeStory and Acwriter. I'm a novelist, blogger, and content writer. Mail: acwriter747@gmail.com

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