Wait For The Right Moment To Come Great Things Take Time – Kaushal Vyas

They say, ‘There is a certain time for everything in life. Things come to you automatically only if they are destined to, but dreams do come true. It would help if you worked hard for them. So don’t rush things, be patient, when the time is right, it will happen.’ Kaushal Vyas believed in the […]
kaushal vyas cover

Aug 4, 2021

They say, ‘There is a certain time for everything in life. Things come to you automatically only if they are destined to, but dreams do come true. It would help if you worked hard for them. So don’t rush things, be patient, when the time is right, it will happen.’ Kaushal Vyas believed in the saying, and he kept working for his dreams.

Kaushal has been passionate about acting since childhood, but it isn’t easy to follow a passion in India. People shy away from their hobbies and choose corporate careers over creative fields. However, Kaushal Vyas believed in different things. He went for his passion, struggled to achieve his dreams. He made it happen despite multiple challenges that crossed his path. So let’s know his journey from his perspective. 

Kaushal Vyas – My Journey

I’m Kaushal Vyas. I was born and brought up in Botad, Gujarat. My background is elementary, as I belonged to a middle-class family. My father worked in the private sector, and my mother is a housewife. 

Since childhood, I have loved watching movies and enacting them. While watching a movie, I used to imagine myself in the place of the Lead Actor. Sometimes I used to see reality as film scenes and react accordingly. Watching movies in the theatre with friends was my favorite pastime. There was some connection that I had with Indian Cinema, and it pulled me firmly towards itself. Maybe that’s why I always enjoyed them.

Kaushal Vyas

Kaushal Vyas

At that time, I didn’t know that I would want to be an actor one day. I always considered it as my favorite pastime or hobby, nothing above it. That’s why rather than going for acting courses, I went for engineering. Life took a sharp turn when I lost my father in my 4th year of Engineering. It was the most challenging time for my family and me.

Nothing was going in the right direction. My mother suffered night blindness, and my sister was studying. It was complicated to manage everything with my dreams. I can’t forget those days. We went through many hardships. My father was the only earning member of the family, so it was problematic to manage things financially.

I used to console my mother and sister and somehow manage our finances. That time, I realized the actual value of money and did everything to save a single penny. Like I used to wear my father’s clothes to save some bucks. Often, I’d cut off little expenses like dining outside, buying unnecessary stuff, or going on trips.

Even during those days, I hoped for a better future as I knew that this time would also pass. One day, I will be able to follow my dreams. To cheer my mood up, I used to imagine myself acting in movies, walking on the Red Carpet, taking awards. These imaginations and hope for a better future took my confidence to another level.

Kaushal Vyas Actor

Kaushal Vyas Actor

I fought hard to come out of the time and decided to take acting seriously. Initially, it was tough to convince my family. A few family members were unhappy with my acting career because they wanted to see me doing a corporate or government job. When I was struggling to make the mark, they never supported or motivated me. They believed that middle-class families don’t survive in the film industry, and it takes years to achieve fame. Some of them even laughed at my dreams, but my sister and friends always supported me. I am grateful to have them in my life.

To an extent, what people said about the film industry is true, but you can only make it happen if you work hard and follow the never-give-up theory. I had to struggle a lot to get good roles in movies. I went through rounds of auditions and was rejected many times before earning decent roles. After trying a lot, I got my debut movie, “Kem Chho?”. Watching myself enacting on the Big Screen for my Debut movie “Kem Chho?” was the happiest moment of my life. It meant a lot to me.

Kaushal Vyas Actor

Kaushal Vyas Actor

Now, I have established myself as an actor in the industry. My next goal is to appear in PAN India Movie. It’s a dream, and it will be an honor to see myself on that level. 

The journey has taught me to stay positive in all circumstances and give my best without any expectations. I learned to be self-dependent and sit in no expectation zone as it hurts when people refuse to help. I experienced it when I was struggling to make a mark in the industry. 

In the end, I want to say one thing: work hard, have patience, create opportunities and always be grateful for all small & significant achievements. “Great things take time” keep the line in your mind.

Read the journey of other Indian Actor’s:

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About the Author

Writer at HatkeStory and Acwriter. I'm a novelist, blogger, and content writer. Mail: acwriter747@gmail.com

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