We feel that there are certain myths that all of us Indians should do away with.
Myth 1: UNESCO declared the Indian national anthem as the best in the world
Millions of Indians have fallen prey to a hoax/rumor that UNESCO had declared The Indian National Anthem as the best in the world. We can’t believe that even today, this message is a viral forward message on social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook.
Myth 2: Homosexuality is a Disease/Sin
An average Indian today has Homophobia. Our ancient text of Kamasutra and sculptures/monuments in Khajuraho Temples speak otherwise. Homosexuality is not considered a religious sin in Hinduism. The Indian perception and attitude towards the LGBT community have to change. Is it not logical that the LGBT community should have the freedom to choose without any fear of social boycott and embarrassment?
Myth 3: It is not good to deliver a child during an eclipse
To date, there are a majority of even educated people who believe that a pregnant woman should not go outside, eat or drink during an eclipse. It is because of a popular myth that the baby would be deformed because of the eclipse. This superstition has to come to an end.
Myth 4: Hindi is India’s National Language
No provision or order declares Hindi as a National Language in India. Hindi was only declared as an official language in the Constitution (Article 343). The Eight Schedule of the Indian constitution lists 22 official languages, of which Hindi is the official language of the Union of India.
Myth 5: Diabetes can only occur in old age
People believe that eating more sugar causes diabetes, but the fact is – diabetes-related risk factors may be lifestyle, diet, genetic susceptibility, obesity, insulin resistance, and many more. It is a myth that diabetes comes with old age. Even children have diabetes.
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