Brajesh Kumar Singh – The Tireless Fighter Who Cannot Be Discouraged!

The grass is always greener on the other side. We have all heard this. Brajesh Kumar Singh has proved that the grass is greener wherever you water or nurture it. Although he started small, Brajesh didn’t rest until he made it big in the world. At every step, he faced difficulty but didn’t give up. […]
Brajesh Kumar Singh

Jan 11, 2021

The grass is always greener on the other side. We have all heard this. Brajesh Kumar Singh has proved that the grass is greener wherever you water or nurture it. Although he started small, Brajesh didn’t rest until he made it big in the world. At every step, he faced difficulty but didn’t give up. From helping his father sell vegetables as a child to being a youth icon, Brajesh did everything in his power to be where he is today. After being a high achiever in academics, it was heartbreaking for Brajesh to discover that he missed being a topper only by 15 marks.

Emerging Stronger Each Time

Unlike most others, Brajesh didn’t cripple into sadness with this disappointment. He bounced back with greater force and took admission in one of the best colleges of Patna – Anugrah Narayan College. Brajesh encountered a second setback when he wanted to be part of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology but had to give up the idea when he missed the opportunity after coming very close to achieving it. Life disappointed him for the second time, but Brajesh’s nature is to keep emerging more vigorously with every blow.

Unshakable Faith of Brajesh Kumar Singh

This time, he explored new opportunities for life at a famous engineering college in Kolkata, West Bengal, through the WBJEE. Here too, financial constraints tried to hold him back from being an achiever. He tried for a loan, but there were obstacles. He even met Bihar’s Chief Minister, Mr. Nitish Kumar, seeking help. As this problem found its solution, new things came up, but he battled everything bravely with help from family and friends.

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The Ultimate Reward

Brajesh started working when he was still a student. He learned all he could about digital marketing and started earning from it. Once education came to an end, Brajesh earned a job as an engineer in Capgemini. Despite being occupied by a full-time job, Brajesh continued to pursue his passion as a blogger. He made his services available as a source of information for almost any technological problem you can think of. However, his hobby never came in the way of his professional progress. Brajesh achieved awards like Pat on the Back and Star Award for Best Customer Delivery at Capgemini.

Brajesh’s tireless efforts got him nominated at prestigious awards like the Global Young Leaders Fellowship and Karmaveer Chakra Awards. Today, this hard-working guy is employed at EASi, which is in the automotive domain. His current place of work also got him an opportunity for Ford North America. Brajesh Kumar Singh’s story proves what all can be achieved if we decide not to give up.

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