Navjot Kaur: Girl On A Mission

Navjot Kaur hails from the village of Panjaur, situated in the district of Hoshiarpur. She has pursued an MBA degree with a specialization in Human Resources and Marketing.   In 2018, she had her first close encounter taking care of a stray animal when her family adopted an injured street dog in a terrible condition. He […]
Navjot Kaur HatkeStory

by Vinita

Jan 10, 2021

Navjot Kaur hails from the village of Panjaur, situated in the district of Hoshiarpur. She has pursued an MBA degree with a specialization in Human Resources and Marketing.  

In 2018, she had her first close encounter taking care of a stray animal when her family adopted an injured street dog in a terrible condition. He was nursed back to health with the consistent care and comfort given to him by Navjot’s family. Initially, Navjot was afraid of touching the dog or taking care of him. But with time, she warmed up to him and started taking care of him like a little one. She then gained confidence and started feeding the nearby stray dogs as well.

In the year 2019, one night, she heard a bunch of dogs crying at a distance. She found three puppies and their mother on the street, shivering and drenched due to the heavy rains. The temperature outside was really low, and it had become unbearable for the dogs to stay outside. She decided to bring the puppies and their mother back home with her.

The Small Shelter of Navjot Kaur

She made a small shelter for them in her home and tried her best to make them comfortable in the shelter by providing them with food and a warm environment. Soon, they became alright. Days passed, and the puppies grew up healthily. They started roaming around the neighborhood and streets.

Dog being treated  in Navjot Kaur Shelter

Dog being treated in Navjot Kaur Shelter

The neighbors raised an issue over this. They started complaining about this to her parents. Following this incident, she was asked to get rid of the dogs by her parents. She didn’t want to give up the dogs but didn’t want to upset her parents as well. She tried to find someone who could adopt the dogs and provide them a safe home. But she couldn’t find any support from the locality.

But this didn’t deter Navjot. She became more determined and decided to keep the dogs with herself. At the same time, she wanted to spread more awareness about the issue. She resorted to social media to reach out to like-minded people. She spread more awareness about taking care of strays. She believes that people can learn by seeing and hearing about each other’s experiences. That’s what proved to be true when her very first video received a fair amount of positive response.

The appreciation boosted her spirit, and she started nursing and feeding more and more injured dogs. She was elated when an NGO contacted her and assisted her with medicines and proper treatment procedures for the dogs. Eventually, many other NGOs, animal lovers, and veterinarians started contacting her to guide and help her out.

Shelter of Navjot Kaur

Shelter of Navjot Kaur

Soon Navjot learned how to treat injuries and nurse injured dogs. She started keeping medicines for them in her bag and carried them around wherever she went. She didn’t have a team, but she was a woman on a mission! She reached out to ailing dogs wherever she encountered them and gave them food and proper treatment. She even checked on them regularly.

Seeing Navjot’s unstoppable determination and pursuit, her parents, too, started supporting her. Her mother showed interest in her activities and helped her out by making food for the dogs. She made rotis, a mix of pedigree and milk for the dogs, and even cerelac for the puppies. She also accompanied Navjot at times to feed and take care of the dogs.

Navjot is an overly emotional person, which is considered a weakness in today’s world. She often complained about it. She is sensitive and can’t bear to see anyone in pain or trauma. But now she knows why God made her so emotional. It is not her weakness but her strength. Only her emotions and love for animals make her step up and do her bit for the strays who are in grief or pain. Navjot being an animal lover, springs to action any time of the day for animals’ welfare.

She feeds almost 15 dogs daily and is planning to increase her reach very soon. While she has already done a lot for animal welfare, Navjot believes her journey has just started. She aims to spread awareness about animal care and help as many animals as she can. She wishes to make her small initiative a big one by building a shelter home for dogs to get proper food and treatment to lead a healthy life.


Navjot Kaur with a puppy


Navjot thinks that even if people help a single animal every day, slowly and steadily, we can create a better environment for the animal kind. None of them would be left ailing or hungry. She also requests people to adopt street dogs rather than buy rare breed dogs from outside. Navjot’s rock-solid aspiration and tremendous love for helping the strays make me wonder; if a young girl from a small town can help so many stray dogs without any outside help, what’s stopping us?

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About the Author

Writer. Dreamer. Believer

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1 Comment

  1. Anand sharma

    I hope more people decide to take care of stray animals after reading this article. Beautifully written.