We girls are told to stay quiet and not to show courage even if we are being teased. However, it isn't true, and in some cases, you must learn to fight back,...
It's a story of my school of the time when I was in 11th standard. I had a group of besties. One among them was overweight, and she was highly conscious and...
Why do guys treat staring as an invitation? Me looking at them isn't a signal. I'm not interested even if I'm looking at you. A similar incident happened to...
In Kashmir, our Security Forces personnel have been martyred (numbers in double digits) in 2017 alone, over several encounters with militants. It is very easy...
We feel that there are certain myths that all of us Indians should do away with. Myth 1: UNESCO declared the Indian national anthem as the best in the world...
Tall Man's Tale on a Train I was traveling by train (Indian Railways) and sleeping on the middle berth with my head facing the window and woke up to the voice...
Who knew that dumb thing that we once did while growing up would turn out to be memories that we cherish for life. Childhood, considered by many as the golden...